─── KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 15:08 Mon, 06 Mar 2023
After experiencing water-shedding for the past two weeks, the taps of Winnie Mandela, formally known as Brandfort, are now being filled with water.
Masilonyana spokesperson, Zongezile Ntjhwabule, said the water was pumped to reservoirs on Sunday and residents started to have water in their taps on Monday morning.
He said the municipality had to apply valve control management to build sufficient pressure in the system before water could be fully restored.
OFM News previously reported that the small Winnie Mandela town in the Free State was hit by water-shedding after a Variable Speed Drive (VSD), which powers the motor, was damaged and needed to be replaced.
Community members of Winnie Mandela had to collect water from trucks which were dispersed to areas such as Phahameng, Nomzamo, Reakgathalla, Marantha Ipeleng, the Community Hall and Slovo Park.
Ntjhwabule told OFM News that businesses and schools were not impacted by water-shedding as the municipality acted swiftly to ensure that alternative measures were taken to supply water.
ALSO READ: Taps dry in small Free State town
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